In a concerted effort to equip participants of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) training with holistic skills for professional success, a series of special leadership classes focusing on character development and strategic job placement have been introduced.

The training initiative, spearheaded by the Covenant University community development Impact Initiative in collaboration with Unites/ Cisco Network Academy, was projected towards bridging the gap between technical proficiency and well-rounded professional growth. Recognizing the importance of both technical skills and soft skills, the leadership classes were designed to empower participants with the tools they need to excel in their careers.

Participants of the ICT training program were engaged in weekly sessions aimed at honing essential soft skills such as communication, teamwork, time management, and adaptability. Additionally, these sessions will emphasize character development, cultivating traits such as integrity, accountability, and resilience. Experts from various industries will guide participants through interactive workshops, discussions, and real-world case studies to ensure the practical application of the learned concepts.

One of the highlights of the leadership program was its strategic focus on job placement. Recognizing that technical prowess alone is insufficient in today’s competitive job market, participants will receive guidance on positioning themselves effectively for job opportunities.

Ruth Diji-geske

Executive Secretary, CU-CDIIC

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